Monday, September 21, 2020

A Word to Society

Wake up world!! Viloncent and death ! The shootings and the disapearice of people take by the government. The Division, speration of the Human Race has gone to far. Listen to your mother you are killing her and each other. Peaceful portest should be as it says. No more burning buildings, car ect..

Political supporters you are no different. Viloncent, shootings shame on you to stoop so Low. 

Life is God gift. We are not God's and should not act like such to take a Life. How dare we become Like the demons/fallen Angels to act as such is a slap in God's face....

If you continue to act like a demon then you will be facing God. What excuse are you going to tell him? Remember he can see our hearts, thoughts, intentions.

Why put evil in our hearts and minds? 
So if someone else is doing it that means it's ok for us to act like Monsters, Bullshit!! It doesn't give us that right. No excuses can cover the blood our hands carry. God can see that blood. It cry's out to him.. like Abel's blood did when Cane killed his brother.
Stop killing or hurting our brothers and sisters our Human family.

This food for thought. Take a deep look and ask what I have become?  Now ask can God truly forgive this?