Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Horrible Truth


This is going to be the hardest thing to talk about, it is the most uncomfortable thing to talk about. In our world, in our society, we forget how to stop and change our thinking. We always think one way about how we have been taught through our beliefs through other authority figures. Who always believe what a man and a woman's place is supposed to be but that is not the subject we are going to talk about. If a man is raped whether they were a child or older our society's way of thinking, is they should accept it or they should talk to the person that Sexually assaulted them. Honestly, our society around the entire world is screwed with their way of thinking. The problem in our world is that we do not want to face the fact another human being can harm another human being whether they are male or female. Or whatever sexual orientation or whatever they go by cannot hurt another person. Life in general, it's difficult when you go through these types of events for you don't know what to do, you try to blink it out of your mind you try to find other means to make you forget it's difficult to deal with in the matter of being rape. Most rape victims have to deal with remorse, anger, depression, some of them began to become recluse to where they don't want to step outside they don't want to associate with people anymore I know that from experience because I did get to that point at one time and had to put myself outside and try to become normal but I never felt normal. I was raped by a coworker's husband and he hurt me but if I ever hear anybody saying that it doesn't happen to a man you're full of shit I will call bullshit on you. Our world is so damn uneducated is not funny. Those that have educated themselves I praised them.


Manipulation is like the biggest thing of all rapists. They can be the most outstanding members of society the best priest the greatest neighbor or the best uncle it does not disclose anybody from committing these crimes. I've known of men who've gone through it I've known of one who went through it when he was a child and I'm not talking about somebody who was close to me this was someone I met when I had to face my rapist in court for like the 3rd or 4th time and I got to find out that one of his victims was a child boy. He raped a little boy besides women so not all his victims were women. What bothers me the most is him becoming a minister how could God allow somebody that is sick to be around women and children. Eventually that person did it again, but the girl fought back makes me wish I did that instead of freezing up and getting scared. This is a message for all those who are men and women stop being afraid what they did to you was wrong and you didn't deserve it nor did you ask for it these types of people need to take responsibility for their actions and most of them don't know how and it's not your fault. There's sick people who have sick minds  they want to dominate that other person whatever the case might be these people really need help and the only way to help them is either put them behind bars our hope that they get put into a mental institution. 

The worst advice you could ever give a person who's gone through this is tell them to go talked to that person or to even tell them that they asked for it or it's not a big deal because you're a man that is the worst thing to say, if you have never experienced or gone through it which I hope none of you ever do you will relive the nightmare over and over some form of it will appear in certain things will trigger that memory. For me because of having so much trauma in my life that triggered my PTSD now I suffer from it certain things I cannot watch on television mostly true stories brings back memories I can not watch  law and order SVU shows that much I can't watch anything that brings back memories if you know someone that has gone through this  you need to get them is to report it to the authorities to the police. Or those that oversee gatherings. Because a person like that should not be allowed to get away with it. I know some victims including myself sometimes we take a while to report it because we feel so disgusted inside you do not even feel human anymore. You begin to feel like that part of you has been taken away and that your spirit that you bear inside has died. There are counselors and there are psychiatrists there are people that can help I'm hoping other countries have these professionals and hotlines and all the necessary things to help a person cope and to fight back and to know they're not alone it's so sad when some of them also take advantage of people with mental illness and rape them whether you have autism Asperger ADD or ADHD or completely disabled there's people that have been known to rape them and it should the longer be allowed. We need to properly educate ourselves because we have lived too much in the old colonial way of thinking and none of that has done any good for any of us. Except bringing more harm and causing more suicides this is also part of what causes the suicides and United States and around the world besides abuse or drug addiction or being bullied. And if you need help to find the information, I am more than happy to do it for you, just message me. Because we all need some form of help. Not enough men report that they have been rape, only 10% of them do.