Thursday, June 21, 2018

Shocking news

The world is dead!! The citizens are extinct! Where have they gone no one knows. All that is left is the empty buildings that stand and falling apart. What were these people like? We know nothing on how they truly lived expect a few books that are left behind.

We will be digging up more artifacts from our ground site. They seem to be very primitive and primal in their knowledge of themselves. 

Humans seem to be very hateful in every way. Wars and violence seems to be part of their society. We uncover weapons. 

The only place that some human life remains in a small island but they have non of the artifacts we have uncovered and they don't know about the past of the humans before.

So many extinct countries around the world except the small island. These people are peaceful.  

How is it that these people evolved and the rest died off. Answer is the extinct countries were waring countries and greedy. From what our studies show is that they were horrible cannibals. They feed of on their own people and others around the world. 

Ruthless, savages! I am surprised to cover a horrible race of people. Greatfull that these people do not exist today. 

How do we really want to be remembered through out the universe today? 
With everything going on in the world, were we have soon so much hate. Is this how we want to be remembered after we are long gone.

Granted there are awesome people in the world that have love, an been fighting against hate by leading the way to show peace and kindness. They are not government politicians or rich business people. Small commen citizens of the world. 

Our world leaders have failed us all. We are all blinded by their stories and drama. We forgot how to care. 

The question I will ask again is How do we as a human race what to be remembered?